Product introduction:
Model: 40AI
Name: multi-turn intelligent electric actuator
Manufacturer: Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd.(SHANGYI ELECTRIC ACTUATOR)
Application: 40AI multi-turn intelligent electric actuator
1, AI / MI series intelligent electric actuators is the introduction of product ROTORK A / M Series actuators , based on using the most advanced ultra- large scale integrated circuit developed from the new generation of intelligent , digital, full Chinese menu display , remote operation of the electric actuator.OutlineStandard code and the name of the product performed : Q / YXBM 233 -2004 "AI / MI series intelligent electric actuators "1, AI / MI intelligent electric actuators are the main features :Classic mechanical torque sensor, stable performance , reliable work.Hall Effect pulse digitized displacement sensor high level of accuracy , adaptability.Ultra large scale integrated chip , the executing agency with a powerful functionality.And the whole Chinese character display , menu -driven operation, highlights the debugging simple, easy operation advantages.Dual seal design, no through- shaft design and need not lid , set and operate by remote control, it is an absolute guarantee of protection IP68
2, AI / MI intelligent electric actuator functions:Remote control setting functionActuator display functionTravel limit protectionTorque limit protectionStatus indication contact functions1 ) Limit midway2 ) The actuator is open3 ) The actuator is closed4) The actuator is running5 ) Local Stop6 ) local control7 ) Remote control8 ) Open interlock9 ) Close Interlock10 ) handwheel operation11 ) open the valve torque trip12 ) off the valve torque trip13 ) stroke torque tripValve alarm functiona, Guan direction over torqueb, over torque OPENc, omni-directional over-torque2) The stall alarm functiona, Guan direction stallb, opening direction stallc, omnidirectional stallControl and alarm functions1 ) Emergency (ESD) protection alarm2 ) off the signal alarm protectionActuator alarm function1) The motor overheating protection2 ) Low battery protection3) Power failure protection4 ) power phase , out of phase protection5 ) Internal System Fault Protection6 ) The current valve position signal of loss of protection7 ) In situ wiring fault alarm
● Operating system:
1) AI (S2 reversible, intermittent operation, 25% of On-rate, turning often ≤630 times / hour)
2) MI (S4 reversible, intermittent operation, 25% of On-rate 630 times / hour ≤ turned frequency ≤1200 times / hour)
● Input signal: 1) Analog signal: 4 ~ 20mA.DC input impedance 250Ω
2) the pulse switch signal ≥150ms3) Profibus-DP, HART (optional)
● Output signal: 1) 4-20mA.DC load impedance ≤750Ω
2) Profibus-DP, HART (optional)
● mechanical output: 1) AI multi-turn loop ≥6
2) MI ≥6 ring multi-turn
3) AI stroke 0 ~ 90 ° angle
4) MI Rotary 0 ~ 90 °
5) MIL straight trip ≤100mm 34 ~ 8000Nm 17 ~ 544Nm 300 ~ 60000Nm 116 ~ 6884Nm 7.94 ~ 41.4kN
● basic error: 1) AI, MI multi-turn electric actuators ≤ ± 1%
2) AI, MI rotary electric actuator ≤ ± 1%
3) MIL straight stroke electric actuator (stroke ≥25mm) ≤ ± 1%
● Dead:Adjustable from 0.1 to 9.9% (the default setting is 0.5%)
● midway Limit:1) The open limit setting range of 60% to 100%
2) closed limit setting range is from 0% to 40%
● mechanical clearance: 1) AI, MI multi-turn electric actuators ≤1 °
2) AI, MI rotary actuators ≤1 °
3) MIL straight stroke electric actuator (stroke ≥25mm) ≤1mm
● Do not Run Time: 0 to 99 seconds adjustable
● Power supply: three-phase three-wire system, 380V.AC ± 10%, 50Hz ± 1%
● Explosion levels: 1) Remote control - intrinsically safe ExibⅡBT4 (Flameproof)
2) Actuator --- flameproof ExdⅡBT4
● Output contact capacity: 250V.AC, 5A; 30V.DC, 5A (bus products 220V.AC, 0.5A; 30V.DC, 1A)
● environmental conditions: 1) Ambient temperature: -25 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃ (Explosion-of -20 ℃ ~ + 60 ℃)
2) Relative humidity: 5% to 95%
3) Atmospheric pressure: 86 ~ 106kPa
4) Air media: non-corrosive gases in ambient air
● interference indicators:1) external magnetic field ≤400A / m, 50Hz
2) common mode interference 250V, 50HzAC signal frequency
3) Series-mode interference effective value of 1V is 50Hz, phase 0 ~ 360 °
4) Electrostatic Discharge: 4kV
5) Electrical fast instant burst: power supply terminal 1000V; the signal input: 500V
6) RFI: 80 ~ 1000MHz frequency testing ground for strong 3V / m, distance 1m
7) Surge: 1kVNOTE: If you have other technical requirements, please contact us, we will try to accommodate you.